WB Music, in conjunction with several musical composition right-holders, sued Dorchester 2019s Galmike Corp. and its owner, Michael Galvin, for copyright infringement in conjunction with the Harp and Bard Restaurant and Bar. The subject compositions, the licensing of which is controlled by ASCAP, are 201cWhatta Man, 2019 201cJump Around, 201d and the oddly-catchy 201cBecause I Got High, 201d alleged to have been publicly performed in the bar in March and April 2018. The complaint alleges that ASCAP had repeatedly tried to have the Harp and Bard take a license or cease allowing the performance of ASCAP-controlled music, with no response. Injunctive relief, statutory damages of no less than $750 and no more than $30,000 per performance, and costs and fees are sought.
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