Experience Hendrix, which (according to its website) is owned and operated by members of Jimi Hendrix 2019s family, sued the owners and operators of the Bolton Street Pub of Marlborough, MA for allowing several copyrighted Jimi Hendrix 2019s songs to be performed without license. The Bolton Street Pub appears to offer entertainment most weekend nights in the form of cover bands. Experience Hendrix asserts that it is a member of ASCAP, an association that licenses performance rights to members 2019 copyrighted musical compositions, and that despite repeated requests, the Bolton Street pub have refused ASCAP 2019s license overtures. Experience Hendrix seeks an injunction preventing the Bolton Street Pub from publicly performing, causing, or permitting to be performed three particular Jimi Hendrix songs 2013 201cFire, 201d 201cPurple Haze, 201d and 201cStone Free 201d 2013 and seeks statutory damages and attorneys 2019 fees.
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