Schneider Electric USA and Keysight Technologies were sued by Great Boston Authentication Solutions, LLC ( 201cGBAS 201d). In separate filings, GBAS accuses the two of infringing U.S. Patent Nos. 5,982,892, 6,567,793 and 7,346,583, all directed to remote authorization for unlocking electronic data. GBAS asserts that license management and authentication software employed by the two infringe each patent. All of the patents, which are related as family members to one another, expired in December; accordingly, while damages are sought, there is no prayer for injunctive relief. These new cases appear to be a part of a concerted effort to assert the patents that began just after they expired; for example, three additional cases were filed in Massachusetts in February. The Schneider case is before Judge Casper, while the Keysight case has been assigned to Judge Talwani.
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