Florida couple Jason and Mary Young accuse Agawam’s Hydropolis of infringing U.S. Patent No. 9,468,865, titled “Tincture Preparation Method and Use.” The ‘865 patent includes claims directed to methods of making a tincture using a particular apparatus. The general idea is to incorporate cannabis into butter or oils to form tinctures. The Youngs, who are the named inventors on the ‘865 patent, assert that Hydropolis’ “Butter Brewer” product matches the apparatus of the claims, and that it comes with instructions for using the brewer to create tinctures that ultimately induces infringement of the method claims. The Youngs say they notified Hydropolis of the infringement in 2017, but Hydropolis refused to cease and desist in the offering for sale and selling of the product. The Youngs seek injunctive relief as well as trebling of damages for willful infringement.
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