When The Industry Leaders put out a call for quotes on leadership, our partners and management team had much to share. In a recent article—3 Lessons The “Teach A Man How To Fish” Quote Offers – Plus Our Leaders Give Their Favorite Quotes—sixteen industry leaders, including our own Craig Smith and Karen Borofsky, shared the words that inspire them.
Craig R. Smith, Partner, Lando & Anastasi
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
This is my favorite leadership quote because both success and failure are fleeting. We can learn from both and then work on improving ourselves and helping those around us.
Karen Borofsky, Director of Administration, Lando & Anastasi LLP
“When people show you who they are, believe them.” – Maya Angelou
People will reveal their true selves through their actions – not necessarily their words. Keeping this in mind helps me to better evaluate my colleagues and provides guidance on how I need to interact with them to have the best chance at accomplishing whatever needs to get done for my organization (and for me). Adopting this perspective also helps me to determine whom I can trust and with whom I can build strong alliances – and of course, the converse as well.
For more inspiring words to live by, read the full article on theindustryleaders.com.
