Lando & Anastasi, LLP (L&A) is proud to announce that the firm has been ranked for the tenth consecutive year in the IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners. L&A is one of the few mid-sized boutique firms included in this year’s list, and one of only a handful of firms to be ranked in all three practice areas: transactions, prosecution, and litigation.
One of the most extensive guides to leading patent professionals and firms in key jurisdictions around the globe, IAM Patent 1000 recognizes L&A among some of the world’s most prominent AmLaw100 firms. The publication highlights L&A’s “connectedness…mak[ing] them doubly effective at spotting and seizing commercial IP opportunities.”
In addition to the firm recognition, four firm Partners also were ranked by IAM in this year’s list:
Peter C. Lando was selected for his prosecution and transaction practice. “He prosecutes with precision in diverse technical areas; gets major IP-driven transactions inked; and develops futureproofed IP management and enforcement strategies.”
Keith F. Noe was selected for his prosecution and strategic counseling practice and was noted for his “wealth of in-house insight and ability to see matters from the client’s point of view.”
Craig R. Smith was selected for “spearheading [a] robust litigation practice” and his “knack for early resolution that rights holders thoroughly appreciate.”
Thomas M. Sullivan was selected for his individual prosecution and strategic counseling practice this year. The publication notes that Tom’s “scientific fluency is matched by business sensitivity.”
About IAM
IAM Patent 1000 uses a selection process based on interviews with nearly 1,500 attorneys in private practice and in-house counsel, together with client feedback. L&A’s consistent placement in the rankings validates the success of the firm’s unique business model, and the excellence of our practitioners.
About Lando & Anastasi, LLP
Lando & Anastasi, LLP partners with clients to protect their innovations through effective intellectual property strategies. This partnership complements an emphasis on creative and strategic solutions guided by a solid understanding of each client’s business imperatives. Well versed in a wide range of industries including life sciences, software, energy and green technologies, water and waste treatment, medical devices, chemical and electrical engineering, L&A attorneys counsel clients ranging from individuals to early-stage and venture-backed start-ups to small and large national and global corporations.

Practice Areas

Practice Areas