“Highly Recommended” for trademark work by Managing IP
We are pleased to announce that L&A’s extraordinary trademark practice, led by Partner Nathan T. Harris and Senior Counsel Ann Lamport Hammitte, has been recognized for the twelfth consecutive year by Managing Intellectual Property in their “IP Stars 2024” rankings. L&A is one of only five firms ranked “Highly Recommended”—the guide’s highest tier—for trademark work in Massachusetts, and the only firm of its size to be recognized in the category. Inclusion in the rankings is based solely on merit and through peer and client recommendations.
The IP Stars “Highly Recommended” ranking reinforces our team’s place in the top echelon for trademark work, among some of the country’s most prominent trademark practices. The industry-leading expertise and experience of the L&A trademark team is trusted by global brands, cutting-edge technology companies, and fast-growing startups for their trademark selection, clearance, strategy, litigation, and ongoing portfolio support.
Read more about the ranking methodology at managingip.com.


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