John Spangenberger, in an interview with citybiz, reflected on his first 6 months as a new partner of the firm.
Tell me about your background and current IP law practice?
I am an intellectual property attorney at Lando & Anastasi where I focus my practice on patent prosecution, freedom-to-operate, and infringement analysis. My technical background is in the electrical and computer arts, so much of my work involves power distribution, wireless communication, consumer electronics, and medical devices.
What attracted you to Lando & Anastasi?
I interviewed at several different firms when I was considering going into law, and immediately felt such a sense of connection to the folks at L&A. I’ve always felt respected and welcomed here. The work is ever evolving, but my colleagues have maintained the same friendly and collegial spirit since my first day at the firm.
You are now 6 months into law firm partnership. What is it like to transition from associate to partner? Have you experienced any unique or unexpected challenges?
As a partner, I am now learning to view the firm as a business. Becoming familiar with different aspects of the firm, such as the monthly business cycle and the importance of business development, provides me with a new perspective on many areas of my work. As a partner, I also have more opportunities to contribute to the firm as part of various committees and initiatives. While becoming a partner has allowed me to take on a more managerial role, which has been an exciting transition, I do love the deep technical work of hands-on law, so I am committed to remaining integrally involved with our clients and strive to maintain a healthy balance of substantive legal work with my expanded management role.
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